MIA NOTES: bloopers+behind the scene madness

I've been MIA I know guys!! I'm sorry; please accept my (big kisses)!!! I have been working on a feature project with a (secret blog):p that will be coming out soon. I cannot disclose info yet but will give you a snippet . In the interim, a new found love for Frank Ocean and his new mixtape has kept me happy for the past week, and feel like I need to share his marvellous-ness with you all. Listen to his mixtape here. Here are some bloopers and behind the scene shots, enjoy!

nourishment with swag:p

The crew cooling off


  1. you're back =)
    your red flats look so comfortable!
    where are they from?

  2. Thanks love! The flats are from urban outfitters (a little over a year old). They carry variations of it every year though.x

  3. OMGoodness I lovee your blog.
    Your style.
    Your teeny weeny 'fro (lol) with the SIDE PART!

    How cooolll!

    Apologies for writing like a kid in a candy store. Cool people get me all jittery and excited!



  4. Thanks for the compliments shay shay!



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