I spend the little free time I have now cooking and I love it. I eat food, breathe food, dream about creating new recipes, I mean, food is bae! 

This post is dedicated to my new love. If you follow me on snapchat [amakilolo] you're probably tired of my endless food posts (covers face)! Since I'm in school most of the time, I typically make quick meals with fresh ingredients, and surprise myself sometimes with what I can pull off in less than an hour! 

I'll show you the process of a 20 min dinner I made 2 weeks ago; spicy pork in cream sauce with smashed baby potatoes.

smashed potatoes 
1/3 bag of baby potatoes
1/4 cup of butter
1/2 cup of cream
pinch of salt
3 pork chops
1 bouillon cube
3 tsp of dry hot peppers
1/2 cup of spring onions
1 tomato
1 cup of spinach
1/4 butter
1 cup of cream

Photos taken with my phone. Hope you enjoy!




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