Summer '16 Wrap Up: Food, Love, Family and Lake Panache

This summer has been filled with a whirlwind of activities that have mainly been centered around my thesis and food; everything from cooking it for 116 kitchen to appreciating good food across the city! This weekend wrapped summer '16 up nicely with the premier of Nollywood movie; The Wedding Party at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF 2016), and a trip to the cottage with my architecture girls. I've received immense love in the past two weeks, from the people that I cherish in my life. Embracing the last few days of warmth in the 6!

 Fae came into town and I had to start her off with a yummy brunch no?

I made grilled turkey wings in a dry rub of black pepper and sea salt and glazed with a sweet peri peri sauce, mini banana bread cakes (cashew & blueberry filled + cashew topped + plain), an egg, avocado and a side of strawberry mint salad. It's safe to say she loved it more than she loves me! Haha!


We also stopped by Colette, a French Bistro downtown west, for a light breakfast the next day. We stayed in the Cafe section which was too beautiful to deal! Ended up with easy breakfast sandwiches of salmon and bacon respectively! 

We ended the day at the Elgin Theater Downtown, at the TIFF movie premier. Guys it was an honor watching a brilliantly executed Nigerian movie at TIFF. It's official release is in December. It's a must watch!!


The rest of the weekend was spent in a cottage with my archi squad! #campcotty2016
The girls and I stayed in Maddy's cottage on a beautiful lake Panache in Sudbury. Did a lot of cooking and embracing the lake with the girls.


Rebecca made these yummy duplings filled with pork and veggies! Yum! I created a special dipping sauce with mustard, soy sauce and some other special ingredient (hee hee).

This vegetable rice stirfry, made with coconut oil and grilled chicken was a crowd pleaser as well.






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